“Gilmetdeen” is a Tatar name derived from علم الدين (“ilm-al-deen”), which stands for “knowledge of religion”.
Assalamu Aleikum (Peace be upon you),
This guide is compiled from various sources and there may be minor discrepancies and incorrect details. The main purpose of the guide was to combine an overview of the whole timeline of the world as of we know today according to Islamic sources.
Allahu Alim. Only God knows the ultimate truth. Quran is the only Word of God that reached our time uncorrupted. Quran has many stories confirming some parts about the Biblical prophets. Thus, the core structure of this guide is based on narrations of the Quran. Tafsir and verses are copied from various open sources.
Other sources of this guide include: authentic hadiths, some non-authentic hadith, the Bible (Old Testament), some opinions of great islamic scholars of the past, a book by Karen Armstrong “Islam: A Short History”, a book “Muhammad, His Biography Based on Earliest Sources” by Martin Lings. Some parts are derived from youtube lectures of sheikhs of our time (mostly Yasir Qadhi and Omar Suleiman). I am personally not an Islamic scholar, so I tried to stick to aforementioned sources. I have gathered the information, currated it, combined together and did some editing.
A lot of info also used from alim.org, Wikipedia, al-islam.org (This one is from Shia sources.) and various other websites. Mostly these websites contain open-source tafsir, hadith, etc.
This website is not used to make profit from its contents in any way. This website is created not for commercial purposes, but only for purposes of educating myself and anyone who might be interested. Inshaallah, the copied parts does not violate the Fair Use Law. In the future, I plan to compress the text, cut the unnecessary parts, move towards leaving only Quran, hadith and tafsir, and provide links with direct sources.
Also, it is worth mentioning that Islam is not a completely new religion. It is the continuation of Abrahamic religions. Although there are differentiations in narration about certain figures, Islam, Judaism and Christianity share the same prophets and are built on the base of the same dogma – Onenness of God. According to Islamic tradition, every nation had its prophet. Quran mentions 25 prophets by name. Many Biblical prophets are not mentioned in this guide because there was no authentic hadith about this particular prophet in Islamic tradition.
Please feel free to send feedback to gilmetdeen@proton.me if you come across parts that contradict the Quran or authentic ahadith or if the timeline order is incorrect.
May Allah guide us all to the right path.
Used Resources
Sources used in the wiki:
- Quran (English translation)
- Hadith collections, such as https://sunnah.com
- The Day of Judgement (17 lectures by Yasir Qadhi)
- Seerah of the Prophet Muhammad by Yasir Qadhi (114 lectures)
- “Islam. A Short History” by Karen Armstrong
- “Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources” by Martin Lings
- al-islam.org (Shia sources)
- The Beginning and the End with Omar Suleiman based on ibn Kathir’s work
- Most of the seerah are based on ibn Hisham’s book, which is the short version of Ibn Iskhak’s book
- Quranic Ayah divided into themes
- Good collection of prophets' stories
- Wikipedia
- I found this only recently: Tafsir by Ibn Kathir